Home Bred Homozygous Coloured Bay Tobiano Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Solaris Buenno is a valuable addition to the world of warmblood and sport horse breeding.
His bloodlines are a combination of both jumping and dressage genes from the worlds leading stud books including the grand prix show jumping stallion Wellington by stallion of the century Nimmerdor. On his damline we find the bloodlines of Ekstein, Lucky Boy Joost and Damenstolz. His pedigree is also made up of nearly 50% thoroughbred blood including Perciles xx Lucky Boy xx, Compromise xx, Katamaran xx, Le Faquin xx, Korridon xx, Relic xx and Katouchon xx.
His tobiano colouring comes from the Grand Prix dressage stallion Samber the only coloured stallion to have been approved by the KWPN stud book to date.
In addition to his proven performance bloodlines, Buenno is Homozygous for the tobiano gene, thus providing breeders with the certainty that his progeny will be coloured with tobiano markings.
Buenno, has inherited the qualities of both sire and dam, elasticity of gaits, a free shoulder and quick active engaging hind leg but regrettably suffered an injury as a yearling severing his hind extensor. It has therefore not been possible to follow a showing or ridden career.
For the showing enthusiast his progeny have however achieved tremendous success in the show ring inhand and now under saddle already claiming some of the most prestigious titles in the country show ring.
Solaris Buenno has proven himself as a consistent progenitor of 1st premium, prize winning and In Hand Champions at the most prestigious county level shows throughout the UK. They inherit an abundance of presence and elevation to their paces with designer coats as a bonus. They are powerful, supple and have very straight movement with strong well developed top line whose limbs are free from conformation defects, hence their success in the show ring. Despite Buenno’s small height his progeny are all taller than their dams.
In 2016 HM The Queen Elizabeth II placed her confidence in Solaris Buenno and bred him to her homebred coloured mare Tiger Lilly who evented Internationally with success by grand daughter Zara.
2017 will see the arrival of his largest largest foal crop to date with his first foals due in Australia, Belgium, France and throughout the UK.